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Anxiety Management With Medical Marijuana: 5 Facts You Need to Know

Anxiety Management With Medical Marijuana: 5 Facts You Need to Know

Suffering from anxiety can be an extremely isolating feeling. Until recently, mental health was something that was not discussed enough. This left many sufferers of mental health conditions with the impression that they were the only ones feeling the way they felt.


We now know that around 40 million adults across America are affected by some type of anxiety disorder. This makes anxiety the number one most common type of illness in the US.

There are many different conditions that fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. Anxiety management methods differ from person to person. They will also differ depending on what sort of anxiety disorder you are suffering from. 

Extensive research has been carried out into the use of medical marijuana for anxiety management. Many studies show promising results.

Medical Marijuana for Anxiety Management

So, how exactly does marijuana help with anxiety? The answer relates to one of its main constituents: cannabidiol, and how it reacts with a specific part of the brain.

Research has shown that cannabidiol, or CBD, has a soothing effect on something called the endocannabinoid system (or ECS).

The ECS is made up of receptors which are found in various places throughout the human body, including the brain. It has been found that this system has a large part to play in the regulation of stress and anxiety, as well as our general health.

Normally, our body naturally produces compounds called endocannabinoids that react with these receptors. But it can sometimes happen that our body fails to produce enough. It is thought that introducing CBD into our systems can counteract this imbalance, thus lessening feelings of anxiety.

Five Things to Know About Anxiety Management With Medical Marijuana

Marijuana can be an effective holistic treatment for an array of ailments and issues. From pain management to inflammation to nausea, it has many applications in which it produces terrific results.

If you’re considering the use of medical marijuana for anxiety management, there are a few things you need to know.

1. It’s Available in a Number of Different Forms

Many people associate marijuana exclusively with smoking. Although that is a popular method of consumption, it’s not the only way.

Inhalation, or the consumption of marijuana through smoking or vaping, is the method that will produce the quickest results. However, the effects may also wear off more quickly as well.

If you’re not a fan of smoking, consuming medicinal marijuana orally is another one of the most widely used methods. Edibles are available in a variety of forms, from cookies to lollipops to pills and capsules.

Medicinal marijuana can also be taken sublingually (absorbed underneath the tongue), topically, or via a suppository.

2. You’ll Need to Figure Out What Works Best for You

Like any other method of anxiety management, the use of medical marijuana for anxiety is an individualized process. What has worked for someone else may not work for you. Your doctor can guide you on which methods may be best, but a certain amount of trial and error is usually necessary.

For example, you may find that smoking produces a much more calming effect for you than consuming edibles. Or you may end up needing a much higher or lower dosage than someone else you know.

It is important to note that when anyone is beginning to experiment with marijuana for anxiety, they should only do so in an environment where they feel safe and ready.

3. Some Strains Are Better Than Others

Remember CBD, the chemical we spoke about above? Well, it’s not the only chemical in marijuana that can have an effect on your body and mind. Marijuana also contains something called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

Although there has not yet been enough research into this topic, some studies suggest that while CBD can have a calming effect on the brain, THC may actually increase anxiety levels for certain people in certain doses. 

From what we know so far, strains of marijuana with higher levels of CBD and lower or equal levels of THC are most beneficial for those suffering from anxiety. Leafly has a handy cannabis guide which might be beneficial in deciding which strain is right for you.

4. It Can Have Residual Benefits

We spoke briefly about some of the many different conditions marijuana can help to treat, and how marijuana is a holistic treatment, but what does this mean? Holistic medicine refers to treatments that take into account the mind, body, and environment of a patient, rather than a singular symptom.

Aside from helping with anxiety management, CBD can have many other wonderful effects on the human body. It can help with insomnia, muscle pain, chronic illnesses, cognitive disorders, certain types of skin conditions, and a whole host of other ailments.

5. It’s Not Legal in Every State

The last and probably most important thing to know before beginning your journey towards anxiety management with medical marijuana is that in Oklahoma, it requires a medical marijuana card.

Although medicinal marijuana has been legal in the state of Oklahoma since 2018, its use for recreational purposes is still illegal. This means that anyone living in Oklahoma who wants to use any form of marijuana for medicinal purposes must have a medical marijuana card that certifies them to do so.

Get Your Medical Marijuana Card Online Today

The process of obtaining a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma is fairly straightforward. In fact, due to the state’s laws surrounding telehealth, it is possible to see your doctor via video chat to get the necessary recommendation.

Once you have this, you can also go through the application to get your medical marijuana card completely online.

Our group of experts can guide you throughout the entire process, at a pace that works for you. If you’re ready to revolutionize your anxiety management through the use of medical marijuana, get in touch to book a consultation today.

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