4 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Your MMJ Card Renewed in Oklahoma

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Your MMJ Card Renewed in Oklahoma

Whether you need it for chronic pain or to address sleep disorders, the right strain of medical marijuana can offer you the exact benefits you need. MMJ is becoming increasingly popular for people looking to manage uncomfortable and challenging ailments without using prescription drugs or over the counter medicine.

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The growing popularity of MMJ is a testament to the fact that it is far more than a recreational drug. As the legalization movement continues to gain momentum, it is important to remember that you should only purchase medical marijuana from licensed sellers through legal means.

If you happen to live in the state of Oklahoma, it is easy to purchase MMJ from dispensaries for medical use. However, you need to have your MMJ card to purchase it legally.

Many medical marijuana users get their valid cards made but often forget that it is also important to know how to get your MMJ card renewed in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) is very strict about applicants meeting requirements for renewals.

The renewal dates can arrive faster than we anticipate. Renewing your MMJ card on time is crucial to ensure that you can get access to your medical cannabis without interruptions because your MMJ card expired.

We will discuss the process you need to follow to get your MMJ card renewed in Oklahoma.

The Ideal Time to Renew Your Medical Marijuana Card

The MMJ card issued by OMMA expires two years after the agency issues it. If your card is close to its expiry date, you can submit an application for renewal. However, OMMA does not allow you to submit the application more than 30 days before the expiry date.

The ideal time to renew your MMJ card is to file an application 30 days before your card expires. Renewing your MMJ card a month before it expires means that you can receive an evaluation from your doctor and complete the renewal process well before the current card expires.

You need your doctor’s signature for the renewal before you can send in the application to OMMA. The government agency does not intervene in the medical process itself – it only requires official approval from your doctor before it can consider your application.

You should also remember to use the same email address you used when you first applied for your MMJ card with OMMA. In case you are not sure which email address you used the last time, contact OMMA. Using the wrong email address can result in OMMA rejecting your application.

From this point on, the application process is the same as the original application when you first received your MMJ card.

Where to Renew Your Cannabis Card

Go OMMA’s website, and on the homepage, you will find a link for “Returning Applicants.”

Clicking on Returning Applicants will direct you to the option of logging into your account. Click on the existing account, type in your credentials, and log in. If you cannot remember your login details, you can get in touch with OMMA over the phone for assistance.

After you access the account, go to the license dashboard towards the left side of the page. If the patient who requires the MMJ card renewal is a minor, their guardian or parent should fill the form on their behalf. The license dashboard will have your existing application.

Clicking on the “Action” tab will show you different options. Select the “Renewal” option, and you will see your card number listed down.

Click on your card number to view your information on the screen. Make sure that all the information you have input is accurate before you submit the application. Remember to click the two-year licensing option to get the standard renewal for your MMJ card.

Depending on your individual circumstances, you must upload any of these three identifications to prove your identity, including:

  • A state-issued ID (Driver’s license)

  • Passport

  • Tribal ID

Enter your ID card number, list the expiration date, and proceed to the next step of your application. This is where you will enter your physical address. You can have a different physical address and mailing address. However, you must make sure that your physical address is based in Oklahoma. OMMA only provides MMJ cards to Oklahoma residents.

If you want to receive your OMMA MMJ card at a different address, you can list a different address in the mailing address section.

Enter Your Doctor’s Information

After you list down your address, the next step of your MMJ card renewal requires you to provide OMMA the details about your doctor’s medical practice. Here are some of the details you must list:

  • The full name of your doctor

  • Their phone number

  • Their license entity

  • Their address

  • Their license number

Make sure that you do not make your doctor sign the approval more than 30 days from the expiry of your old card. The signature should be within 30 days.

If you are a Medicaid or Medicare recipient, you should also note down the corresponding program after you finish entering your doctor’s information. You need to provide documentation that proves that you are a recipient of either program. Otherwise, OMMA can deny the renewal. The same applies if you are a veteran.

Necessary Documents for MMJ Renewal

Besides entering all the information above, OMMA requires a digital photo to be uploaded on their website. You can find more information regarding the specific requirements for the picture on OMMA’s homepage here.

Additionally, you need to upload your proof of identity and proof of residency. If your document is a driver’s license, it will confirm both your identity and residence. It means you will not need to provide separate documents for each. The ID you upload must be current, and you should send a colored copy.

The last document you need to send for your MMJ renewal is the physical form in which you have been prescribed medical marijuana.

Once you upload all the documents, you will need to pay a $100 renewal fee. Veterans, Medicare recipients, and Medicaid recipients have to pay $20 for the renewal.

Need Help With Your MMJ Renewal?

The process of renewing your MMJ card is similar to getting it made the first time, but with just a few differences. If you are still unsure about the process of renewing your MMJ card or you want to get yours made but do not understand the process, we can help.

At Doctors of Cannabis, we can make the entire process easier for you. Click here to schedule your appointment with us and get a medical card online in Oklahoma.

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