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What Do I Need to Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card?

What Do I Need to Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card?

What do I need to get medical marijuana?

For most States, you will need the following information to obtain your medical marijuana patient card successfully.

We will use Oklahoma as an example.

1. Proof of Oklahoma residency (driver’s license or state-issued ID card is ideal)

2. Proof of identity (driver’s license or state-issued ID card is ideal)

3. A working email address

4. A clear, color, full-face digital photograph (we can take this for you!)

5. If applicable, the patient’s Medicaid (SoonerCare) or Medicare insurance card or enrollment documentation

Since all of our doctors are Board-Certified, we will complete your Adult Patient Physician Recommendation form for you, and assist you with your submission to OMMA, so you can be sure that everything is filled out accurately and correctly submitted.

How long does it take to get a medical marijuana card?

Every state has its own timeline when it comes to processing your information and delivering medical marijuana cards. Certain states offer instant digital cards that allow you to buy right away. While others can make you wait up to 60 days while your application is processed. Many times wait times are related to errors made with the application process. We can help you get your card ASAP for a nominal fee and we can guarantee you success. Simply choose your state.

Once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA). If it is deemed complete and meets all requirements, an approval letter with your identification card will be mailed within 14 days of your application submission date. For a nominal fee, we will complete and submit your application to OMMA for you. If you have us complete and submit the application on your behalf, we guarantee success or we will provide you with a full refund for your visit.

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If you don’t have an Oklahoma driver’s license or state-issued ID card, there are other documents that you can use to prove your residency and identity.

Here is a full list of acceptable documents. The following unexpired, valid documentation is required for the application:

Proof of Oklahoma residency (digital, color copy of one of the following):

  • Oklahoma driver’s license (front and back)

  • Oklahoma identification card (front and back)

  • Oklahoma voter identification card

  • A utility bill for the calendar month preceding the date of application, excluding cellular telephone and internet bills

  • A residential property deed to a property in the State of Oklahoma

  • A current rental agreement for residential property located in the State of Oklahoma

Proof of identity (digital, color copy of one of the following):

  • Oklahoma driver’s license (front and back)

  • Oklahoma identification card (front and back)

  • U.S. passport or other photo identification issued by the U.S government

  • Tribal identification card approved for identification purposes by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety

  • United States Bureau of Indian Affairs identification card or a Oklahoma tribal photo identification cards: Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache of Oklahoma, Absentee Shawnee, Cheyenne-Arapaho, Choctaw, Delaware, Caddo Nation of Oklahoma issued on or after January 8, 2008.

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