Public opinion around marijuana has significantly shifted in the last several decades. Back in 1969, only 12% of people said that they thought that cannabis should be legalized. By the year 2019, the percentage became a whopping 67%.

While a growing number of states have legalized cannabis for recreational use, even more states are allowing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. As the world of marijuana research expands over the next several years and decades, we will continue to explore how this plant might help to reduce and treat symptoms of a long list of conditions.

Are you wondering how to get medical marijuana cards in the US?

Let’s take a look at what you need to know!

Medical Marijuana Cards: How to Get One in the US

Are you wondering about getting a medical card in the US? If so, you’ll want to understand that each state has its own rules, regulations, and unique application process. There are, however, a number of similarities in all of the states that have legal marijuana programs.

It’s a good idea to research the specifics of your state and the type of medical marijuana program it has.

Applying For a Medical Marijuana Card

Even though each state has its own laws, there are a number of similar aspects to the application process. You can expect the following to be required as a part of the application process in all states:

  • You will need to show proof that you are a state resident

  • You will need to find a certified marijuana card doctor

  • You will need to pay the fee in order to get medical card evaluations and related charges

  • You will need to locate a state-approved dispensary that offers the different marijuana strains you are looking for

  • In some states, you may be allowed to grow your own marijuana strains

Many states have qualifying conditions that determine whether or not someone is eligible for a card or medical marijuana card renewal. The medical marijuana list of qualifying conditions can vary a lot between states, meaning that you should take a look at your specific state’s list before proceeding with the process.

US Weed Law: States That Allow Medical Marijuana

In recent years, laws around marijuana have been drastically changing in the US. In a number of states, recreational marijuana has been legalized. In more than half of the country, marijuana can be used legally for certain medical conditions.

Here are the states that have legalized medical marijuana as of July of 2021:

  • Michigan

  • West Virginia

  • Louisiana

  • Maine

  • Maryland

  • Massachusetts

  • Ohio

  • Oklahoma

  • Oregon

  • Minnesota

  • Missouri

  • Montana

  • New York

  • North Dakota

  • Alabama

  • Alaska

  • Arizona

  • Arkansas

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Utah

  • Vermont

  • Virginia

  • Washington

  • Pennsylvania

  • Rhode Island

  • South Dakota

  • Nevada

  • New Hampshire

  • New Jersey

  • New Mexico

  • Connecticut

  • Delaware

  • Florida

  • Hawaii

  • Illinois

On top of that, there are also some federal districts and inhabited territories that allow for medical marijuana. These include the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.

Are You Interested In Getting a Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma?

If you’re interested in getting a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma, the first step is to set up an appointment with one of our licensed doctors. They will be able to determine whether or not your condition qualifies for treatment. If that is the case, they will then write you a medical marijuana treatment recommendation.

The qualifying conditions in Oklahoma include:

  • Inflammation

  • Cancer

  • Anxiety

  • Anorexia and Bulemia

  • Terminal illnesses

  • Severe nausea

  • Neuropathic pain disorders

  • Insomnia

  • Glaucoma

  • Epilepsy and other seizure disorders

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Chronic pain

  • Cachexia and wasting syndrome

  • Muscle spasms


  • Spasticity

Are you wondering how old to get a medical cannabis card? In the state of Oklahoma, you need to be at least 18 years old in order to get a medical marijuana card. Minors are able to obtain a recommendation in certain instances if the parent or guardian signs off on it as well as two physicians.

In order to apply in Oklahoma, you will need to gather certain information. This includes:

  • Proof of ID (State-issued ID card or driver’s license are preferred)

  • Proof of Oklahoma residency (State-issued ID card or driver’s license are preferred)

  • A working email address

  • The patient’s Medicaid (SoonerCare) or enrollment documentation or a Medicare insurance card if applicable

  • A full-face, clear, color digital photograph (we can also take this for you)

The fee in order to apply is $100. This is a non-refundable fee that goes towards the costs of processing the application.

Doctors of Cannabis: A Simple and Robust Turnkey Solution to Obtaining Treatment

When you are first considering applying for medical marijuana cards it can feel a bit overwhelming. However, the process doesn’t need to be difficult, and the process itself is worth it if you are looking to find treatment for a qualifying condition.

At Doctors of Cannabis, we are here to make sure that obtaining treatment is simple, easy, and straightforward for you. It is our goal to create a treatment plan that will work best for your needs and we are committed to offering the highest level of compassionate care.

Our experienced and knowledgeable doctors are here to help guide you through the entire process of applying for and obtaining your medical marijuana card. It is important to us that you are comfortable with your treatment plan.

There is so much optimism around medical marijuana for a long list of reasons. One of these is that it can help people reduce their dependence on harmful pharmaceutical drugs. If it’s time for you to obtain the treatment you deserve, get started today.

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Did you know 11 states have legalized the use of recreational marijuana? Though there are still a lot of states where this is up for debate,...

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