How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card A Step By Step Process

Since the beginning of time, humankind has used and relied on various forms of plant life and herbs to heal numerous conditions. Whether it was the milk of the poppy, garlic, juniper berries, or hemp, humanity discovered that plants have far more benefits than just ”looking pretty”.

Cannabis is one such plant that’s been harvested and consumed by humans for centuries. Today, it’s still used to treat pain and a variety of other health conditions. If you’re looking to try out medical marijuana for the first time, you’ll need to get yourself a medical marijuana card online.

Read on to learn how it’s done.

Simple Steps on How to Apply for a Medical Marijuana Card

So, you’ve decided to give medical marijuana a go instead of pharmaceuticals and their range of side effects. Well, when it comes to obtaining a medical marijuana card, the rules vary depending on the state you live in.

In most cases, the state puts much of the responsibility in the hands of a medical marijuana doctor or a medical marijuana dispensary. This is why it’s so important to choose the right doctor and dispensary that you can rely on for legitimate access.

But first thing’s first, you want to do some research as to whether your state is part of a medical marijuana program, also called an MMJ. This makes the process a whole lot easier to obtain a card. If your state is not part of an MMJ program, it doesn’t mean you can’t obtain a medical marijuana card. But it does take a little more leg work.

Here’s how to apply for your card, depending on the state you live in:

Apply Online

Thanks to telemedicine, you now have access to healthcare at your fingertips. In order to apply for a medical marijuana card, you can do so online by finding the right telemedicine provider, such as Doctors of Cannabis (DOC).

Essentially, a provider such as this puts you in touch with legitimate, qualified, and licensed doctors in your state. They offer consultation, then the recommendation you need, and you can complete your online application thereafter.

Why Do You Need a Medical Marijuana Card?

You need a medical marijuana card to legally buy cannabis or hemp products in the USA. In short, it allows you to buy legitimate, approved, and tested products from above-board dispensaries you can trust.

Not only this, but a medical marijuana card allows you to purchase cannabis products with a higher level of THC for certain conditions. As well as larger quantities of cannabis. But this also depends on the state you live in.

Finally, it also allows you to grow your own marijuana plants for personal use at home, depending on your condition and your state. With this card, you can purchase all forms of marijuana including edibles, topical creams, tinctures, pills, dried leaves, sprays, oils, and other oral solutions.

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana

With all of the above in mind, you might be wondering how the legal use of medical marijuana came about. If you’re going to use medicinal cannabis as a form of treatment, it’s important to understand its legality.

Thanks to the passing of the Compassionate Use Act in 1996 (also called Proposition 215), medical marijuana became legal to use in the state of California. In summary, the law allows you to possess and grow medicinal cannabis for your own personal use. But, you need a doctor’s recommendation, first.

This law gives doctors the power to issue a medical cannabis recommendation based on their evaluation of a patient — also called a 420 evaluation. As such, many other states across America have followed suit in the legalization of medicinal cannabis.

It’s important to note that this law does not overrule federal law which still classifies cannabis as a schedule one drug.

Thanks to the internet and today’s connected world, it’s now easier than ever before to apply for a medical marijuana card and find cannabis online. Most doctors across the U.S. make use of telehealth/telemedicine and offer access to an MMJ program (depending on your state).

Do You Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card?

While each state has its own set of laws governing the use of medical cannabis, there are certain conditions that automatically allow you to use it as a form of treatment. However, you’ll have to do your own research or check with your doctor whether your condition qualifies. Some of the most common include:

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Epilepsy/seizures
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Several forms of cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • ALS — Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Persistent/chronic nausea
  • Acute/chronic pain

Aside from these debilitating conditions, medical cannabis is also beneficial for those struggling with anxiety disorders, and sleep disorders such as insomnia and depression. Not all states in the U.S. approve of medical marijuana to treat these conditions, so make sure to do your research, first.

Thinking of Applying for a Medical Marijuana Card Online?

If you live with any of the above conditions and want to give medical cannabis a go, it’s important to get the right medical professionals on your side, first. With Doctors of Cannabis (DOC), you have instant access to marijuana doctors and their expertise in prescribing cannabis as a treatment.

Over the years, we have helped tens of thousands of patients overcome and manage health conditions thanks to medicinal cannabis. Our team is dedicated to educating you on the benefits of cannabis and how to best use it to suit your condition.

Interested in applying for a medical marijuana card online? Learn more about our process, here.

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